[Story]: Crazy by Evan Kelechi
Facebook stories by Evan Kelechi |
She said, “This is crazy.” She looked at
me. “Isn't this crazy?”
I shrugged. I thought that, sure, maybe it was
a little crazy.
But I thought it was exciting, too. Crazy or not,
I thought it might be crazier if we parted
ways and never saw each other again. I was
about to say something to this effect when
she said, “I mean, we don't even know
each other. I know nothing about you.”
“You know a few things,” I said.
I could tell she was thinking then,
We'd met in a bar the night before. We'd
enjoyed each other's company enough to
have a few drinks together. After the drinks I
followed her back to her apartment. We had
a good time, and I ended up staying the
night. In the morning I made breakfast, an
egg scramble for both of us.
Now we were in her car in her apartment's
parking lot. She was debating driving me to
the bus station, and I was thinking about
where I wanted to go next, which city, but I
couldn’t make up my mind. I felt I could
use a break from traveling, and felt weary at
the thought of continuing on with this
vagabond lifestyle. I'd been living this way
for almost a year now, and it was starting to
affect me. The idea of settling down
somewhere, of finding an apartment and a
girlfriend, a job, of getting into an agreeable
routine, didn't seem like such a bad idea to
me now.
I wanted to stay with this young woman and
see how things went. But I couldn't tell her
this; somehow it just didn't seem right. It
was her life I'd be barging in on, not the
other way around. Still, I knew I'd miss her
if she left me, knew it'd hurt if she drove
me to the bus station and we said goodbyes
and never saw each other again.
She was about to start the engine, to turn the
key. Her hand was on the key. I didn't think
I could take much more of this.
“Don't,” I said. “Please.”
I looked at her and she looked at me. Neither
of us looked away from each other for quite
a long time.
At that moment it dawn to me "I'm in Love"..
..Exaggerated reality...
Author: Evan kelechi Okoro
Blogged by Paul Akuj aka Shun Hybrid
[Story]: Crazy by Evan Kelechi
Reviewed by Paul Akuj
7/10/2017 04:11:00 pm
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